How To use Technical Naman Mods in your videos

Any one in YouTube can use technical naman mods? 

We Can use our own short links or provide direct link? 

No you can't use your own short links it is not made by you we are finding a way to improve this short link policy. And if you provide direct download link in your video you are highly violating our policies so don't provide direct link use our website link in downloading section 

How to provide credit to technical naman? 

You can provide credit to technical naman by mentioning in your own VIDEOS. Providing link in the description box 

If I didn't provide credit to technical naman and use direct / Own Short links  What Will  happened ?

Technical naman team continuously finding violating video. If we find that your video is not full filling our guideline we will take action against them. Because all the modle are copyright by technical naman team you can use our mod but provide credit